Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mitt News Round-Up

It's been a while since I've been able to post, mainly due to school finals. There's a lot of interesting material to catch up with. Most recently and interesting is #1 today...

1. Mitt Romney addresses the State of Maine's Republican Part Convention. Mitt continues his (well-meaning) pursuit of the VP slot.

2. An interesting article from Savanna (Georgia) Morning News about the relationship between Mormons and Christianity in the southern part of the country. Mitt's name is mentioned, of course.

3. Dean Barnett's Weekly Standard column shows up at CBS' website. Dean talks mostly about Obama and "judgement". He mentions Mitt Romney in an interesting anecdote in paragraph 7.

4. Dan McGloughlin's Redstate blog: an interesting piece on how McCain should choose his VP. I agree with pretty much everything he says, though I think he mistakenly excludes some exceptions to the rule. For instance, he rules out "Perennial Short-listers," mentioning frmr congressman John Cox, John Kasich, and JC Watts. I might take JC Watts off that list, and I think he forget the usual perennial mention: Newt Gingrich.

I especially agree with his assessment that no rookies should be considered. Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin are great folks, but they are exactly where they need to be right now. We can wait to run them in the future. Who knows, we might even see a Jindal/Palin ticket.

5. Two polls. First, a bracket game for picking VPs. Very fun to play.

AND THEN, a poll at ABC News. Huckabee has the most votes, so all you Mitt supporters need to get over there and vote!

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