Friday, May 23, 2008

Romney News: Money, Change, VeepWatch, and Lunatic

1. This article says wealth will be Romney's strong point in being picked as VP. HERE:
I agree that his checkbook is a big plus, and McCain definitely needs it. But that's not the only thing McCain has to consider. Romney plays strong in Michigan and Minnesota.
2. Another snarky article that spreads the lie that the only thing about Romney is that he "changes...again." If something is repeated enoughj etc...Article HERE:

Notable quote: "My plans are consistent with being a supporter of the ticket, not a member of it."
3. Lamar Alexander, one of my state's US Senators, has been chosen by the McCain campaign to vet VP candidates. Matt Lewis at is my source, HERE:

Lewis notes: "Hopefully, he won't pull a "Cheney" and pick himself..."
4. Romney and President Bush will be in Salt Lake City, Utah to raise money for McCain. HERE:

Rocky Anderson, the lunatic mayor of SLC will be protesting Bush's visit. Juvenile or what? Full disclosure here, and not without a touch of irony: Romny endorsed Rocky Anderson for mayor. Apparently he knew him from the Salt Lake City Olympics turn-around in 2002. My guess is that Romney knew him as fairly sane person who helped turn the SLC games around and thus thought he'd make a competent mayor. Indeed, Anderson may be a competent mayor. There's nothing in the rule book that says all Bush-hating Democrats are inherently incapable.

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