Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hello, brain? You in there?

Liberals love talking about sex-education in schools, as if children weren't already inundated with it from all the television they watch.

I'm not one of those who says a child or teen should know nothing up until the moment they have to get married. I'm pretty sure nobody does. But where exactly do liberals draw the line? Especially as regards the parental notification aspect of sex-ed.

Predictions that the schools would try to teach homosexual-themed aspects in sex-ed sounded alarmist. But it came to pass. And then there were fears that schools would fester the notion among children that they didn't yet know their sexual 'orientation.' Came to pass.

And now this story from Australia:

----""""A JUDGE has allowed a 12-year-old Victorian girl to start a taxpayer-funded sex swap, despite objections from the child's father...

Only her father, who lives interstate, opposed the proposed sex change, though he did not attend the final court hearing and could not afford to send a lawyer on his behalf.

The court was told he could not accept that his daughter had always seen herself as a boy and considered her too young to make such a decision.

The mother expressed sadness and deep concern for her daughter, but said she would stand by the girl.

The child's lawyer told the court she considered the girl capable of making an informed decision...

The court was told early intervention was needed because the child was stressed and anxious at the prospect of starting her period and had threatened self-harm.

Hormones implanted under her skin every three months will stop her menstruating and prevent her hips and breasts growing.""""----

LINK HERE:,23599,23753182-2,00.html

So this is it. Courts in Australia can decide that a confused child has the right to change his/her anatomy. And parents can't do diddly about it.

My English teacher rolled her eyes when I uttered the phrase "building block of society" in reference to the family. She probably thought my fear that gay marriage would destroy family was just reactionary and stupid.

Maybe I should stop worrying about gay marriage. It isn't gays that have ruined the family, it's liberalism in the schools

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