Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Veep Selection Process, Part 2: Governors

Mark Sanford: OK in my book, but not the best pick. Bob Novak reported a few weeks ago that McCain's inner-circle were not considering Sanford. Also, he has a reputation for being a maverick like McCain. At this point that would not be reassuring.

Tim Pawlenty: I often hear that he isn't as conservative as Minnesotan GOPers would like, thus his waning popularity. Add to the fact that he isn't the most popular governor and was elected on a very slim margin. The concerns about his conservatism are not merited, IMO. He works in a largely Democratic state. As a Romney supporter, that's a familiar subject. I think he'd be a great pick, overall.

Tom Ridge: Pro-Choice. Adios.

Bobby Jindal: Needs to do his good work in Louisiana.

Sarah Palin: Needs to do her good work in Alaska.

Jon Hunstman jr: Not a bad consideration, in the long run. He doesn't carry any state (Utah is Republican through and through), but he does have an appeal. He certainly keeps Mormons at the Republican table.

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