Monday, April 28, 2008

People I Hope I Never See Again After This Election

1. Jeremiah Wright.

Unbearable in every way. Obama is a politician, and he's a pastor Wright insists. From his recent talk with the National Press Club however, Wright solidified his political skill credentials. That guy can dodge, duck, and dart more artfully than Dodger in Dickens' "Oliver Twist."

2. John & Elizabeth Edwards.

He's been off the frontpage news for a while now. Let's just hope it stays that way. Almost as unbearable as the man himself is his wife. She has a serious cancer. God keep and bless her. But when she enters the political scene, you KNOW who really controls the vault at the Edwards mansion.

3. Bill Clinton.

Dick Morris has said that he likes Bill but can't stand Hillary. Many others agree. What this election cycle has shown Bill Clinton's nasty side. We all knew he could explode at town hall meetings, but who could have predicted the shameless use of race against Obama by the most prominent Democrat of recent history, former President Bill Clinton?

4. Mike Huckabee.

I WISH he's dissapear, but I get the feeling he'll be around in 2012, pumping up to run yet another jealous anti-Romney run for the presidency. Here's what Huckabee brought, aside from his jokes and gaffes: he brought a flaming anti-Mormon sentiment into the campaign. Partly through his inadvertant or not-so-inadvertant reference to Mormon theology. His use of identity politics to draw in christian voters was also a turn-off to conservative jews, mormons, catholics...and heck, even atheists (but they're always turned off).

5. Fred Thompson.

There were a few moments I admired Thompson. But reflecting back, I can see more clearly now (the rain has gone) that Fred was too lazy. Everything he did reinforced this sentiment about his character. Even the responses to the criticism were lazy. My conclusion is that Thompson is back where he belongs: Hollywood. God Bless You Fred, but heck, that was a yawn of a run for the presidency.


Anonymous said...

"People I Hope I Never See Again After This Election"

1) A Divided GOP (Stop tearing down other candidates. McCain is the nominee, so instead of tearing down the candidate you despised in the primaries, why don't we unite. By the way, Many of the Huck/Romney fued was fueled by the media. They wanted drama. It is no accident they asked "Are you considered an evangelical" in exit polls and "Would a Mormon make you more/less vote for someone" and the Newweeks magazine that said the differences between Mormons/Evangelicals. The media wanted this fued so their ratings would go up. I also like how the media basically called Iowa evangelicals bigots because they voted for Mike Huckabee over Mitt by 9% points and then didn't even mention that Mitt won Utah with 92% of the vote. That is unfair bias. So ignore the media and unite for the sake of the party!!!!!!!

Badger said...

The rule of decency isn't that you can't win people of your own faith. The rule of decency is that you don't play divisive identity politics. Unlike Huckabee, Romney didn't flag his Mormonism in order to draw all Mormons to him.

Instead, he gave a speech on religion that was appreciative of all the good faiths in America.

Unknown said...


That's about the last time I see that MSM aspersion of "lazy" being used on Fred Thompson.

Let me try to put this BS to rest in a way you can appreciate;

A Southern upbringing has a certain style of being laid back and congenial. Both of which Fred certainly is but, when his style was backed by having more detailed plans which were fully implementable AND work as designed than any other two candidates that had been runnning for nearly a full year before he even started, then only the insane or stone ignorant would dare parrot the aspersion of "lazy".

Learn what you're talking about;

How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide By JB Williams

Who Hijacked the Primaries? by Brett Winterble

The Death of Conservatism? 43 Mistakes and the GOP's Dobson's Choice

GOP Leads Astray

AP Gives Thompson the ‘04 Treatment by Jed Babbin

Conservative Blackout by Lisa Fabrizio

Getting The Story Straight by Fred Thompson 12/29