Friday, April 11, 2008

Tom Tancredo endorses McCain. Sorta.

The Story Can Be Found Here...

The funny thing about Tancredo is his surprising willingness to go with the party. The media had portrayed him as some kind of hard-right lunatic, and you got the feeling he'd be one of those who was in it for his ego (well, all politicians are egotistical, you but you know what I mean). In any case, it came as a surprise to me when Tancredo left the race and endorsed Mitt Romney. A hard-liner like on illegal-immigrating like Tancredo, I thought he would have endorsed Thompson or fellow congressman Duncan Hunter. Conversely, everything I didn't expect of Tancredo, I expected out of Hunter. I was so sure he would endorse Romney when he left the race. He really surprised me when he endorsed Huckabee instead. I guess he thought Mitt was too friendly with Chinese business. Ah well.

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