Saturday, April 12, 2008


If you haven't heard already, the most ridiculous story of the century is the story about the preschool kid who slapped a classmate's butt and has bee labeled a sexual predator. His record will carry that label from here on in.

Spouted your coffee on the monitor yet? Good. Because you read right. Mark Steyn's latest column is on that subject, Here...

Who runs the schools? Liberals do. Or at least, liberal policies do. Liberal ideas about education, which, among other things, say that it is no business of the parent as to whether or not the schoool gives sex-education to their children. Because, you are human too! They have sexual feelings too! Ask Judith Levin! Here...

Why on earth are we criminalizing a 6-year-old First Grader for a butt slap...but promoting the idea that young kids "find their sexual identity"?

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