Sunday, April 13, 2008

What Obama Deserves

In the beginning, there was Bill and Hillary Clinton. They were all that for the Democratic party, until one day, a youth by the name of Barack Obama came to steal the show.

Many convservative pundits made a big mistake in this year's primaries. They adulated Obama, merely because he was not Hillary Clinton. The narrative was "Hillary is inevitable, and she is dangerous, and she's a liar." All true. BUT, less true about Obama? Not only did Democrats fall at Obama's feet when he uttered "new politics" "hope" and "change," but so did many conservatives. Not that they would vote for him, but he was better than Hillary. I was one such observer.

But as the recent weeks have shown, Barack Obama is anything but new politics. He is connected to the corrupt Tony Rezko. Another money-connected pol. He is anything but hope, with friends like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who in addition to being anti-white, is anti-semitic (pals around with the infamous Louis Farrakhan). He is anything but change, because he advocates the usual quasi-socialis economic policies of old.

Barack Obama was a winning narrative: a Kenyan father, a white American mother, and a childhood in Indonesia and Hawaii. Private schools to the Harvard Law Review. But as his recent phraseology has shown, he views guns and God as refuges that people (Pennsylvanians) cling to because they are irrational minds.

Two months ago, as Guy Benson recounts in his most recent column: ( ), Obama has said things that are self-damning. He wants to condemn John McCain for his associates--but Obama's buddies are far more reprehensible.

What Obama Deserves. What he deserves is an ad from McCain's campaign, calling him out exactly on the point above. What he deserves is to be called out on his lack of congressional leadership. While Barack Obama calls for bi-partisanship, we know that nobody was more partisanly far-left than he has been so far in his first senate term. What Barack Obama deserves is to be called out on the lack of back-up on his claims. John McCain can do such a calling-out, because unlike Barack Obama, McCain truly has been bi-partisan---to the chagrin of many fellow Republicans. Nobody has reached across the aisle as much as McCain, and evidence is his good friendship with Sen. Joe Lieberman, his co-sponsored bills with Senators Ted Kennedy and Russ Feingold.

The bills aren't legacies he should be proud of, but the point is that McCain--NOT OBAMA--is the bi-partisan one.

Barack Obama doesn't have the record to run for president. He hasn't brought anyone together. What he has done is puff up his rhetoric, his resume, and attempt to hide some of the friends he's not so proud of.

What Barack Obama deserves is for his bubble to be burst, and for his posturing to be revealed as empty.

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