Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hey guys, It's OK to be pro-War now

Ok, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, and Maureen Dowd. You can all go home and rest easy. Obama is at the helm, and the way things are looking Guantanomo will NOT be closed, the Iraq mission (the war is over) will be completed and we will not pre-emptively leave before that country's security is in plave. Afghanistan war will continue and will in fact be scaled up. Obama will likely get credit for Iraq's success.

Are you happy? Will you suddenly accept that torturing terrorists for information might be a really good idea? Will you suddenly see the light on Iraq and surmise that in the long run being rid of Saddam and having a democracy in his place was a positive thing and worth fighting for? Will our troops suddenly be heroes to you rather than demented monsters who enjoy killing?

Of course you will, is the answer to all the above questions. But it's not because you ever held clear convictions on those issues, but that you merely hated George Bush.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No. If the Obama administration implements a policy of torture, I will oppose it for its lawlessness, just as I opposed the Bush administration.

Now, if you're talking to some sliver of pacifists, yeah, they're going to be disappointed, regardless. But Obama didn't run as a pacifist. And most of we who opposed Bush didn't oppose him because he fought a war. Or because he was Republican and fought a war. We opposed him violating US and international law, and for the combination of deceit and incompetence in how he led this nation into the Iraq war. Here's a clue: it wasn't a "cakewalk," it didn't take six months, and it didn't pay for itself. Those of us who called bull on that nonsense propaganda when it was first catapulted need not apologize for recognizing at the time that the Bush administration was lying to the American people.