Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mitt News Nov.23rd, 2008

A website promoting Romney for a 2012 Presidential run:

1. Here:
If you didn't already catch the news, Mitt was in Georgia (the US state) campaigning for Senator Saxby Chambliss.

2. Here:
I'll bet you didn't know Mitt Romney had a flickr page...

3. Here:
Romney was on CCN's Late Edition with Jennifer Granholm, Carl Levin, and some other dude to discuss the Auto bailout package that congress is considering.

4. Here:
General Motors responds (quite well, in my opinion) to Romney's NYT editorial some days ago...

5. Here:
This story highlights part of an interview with Romney by Wolf Blitzer in which Romney refuses to go back into the muddy waters of primary fighting. The real amusing part however is reading the comments which follow the article. I won't say, "not since Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton have two men hated each other so much in American history!"....but boy, I sure is tempted :p

6. Here:

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