Friday, August 22, 2008

Head fakes and head shakes

Obama-Bayh: Supposedly there are bumper stickers being printed right at this moment, with the Illinois-Indiana team on it.

This is the worst pick at all for Obama. I get the feeling people will like Bayh in general. He IS more moderate than many other Democrats, bu then, he DOES come from Indiana. Not Deleware.

I get the feeling though that Bayh will be a very boring running mate, which is what Obama wants on a personal level (WHO DARES STEAL HIS SPOTLIGHT!) Also, he won't necessarily provide the assurance to undecided voters that Obama is not going to govern radicaclly.

Obama-Kaine: Pathetic. This is one of the best tickets the Republicans can hope for. How on earth is a man as naive--though older--as Obama going to help him? That's the thing with these Democrat governors. They're the same as Senators in personality.

I still think Obama's BEST pick would have been Phil Bredesen. But I think we're going to see Obama-Sebelius. This Bayh bumper sticker thing could be another head fake. I think the Dems are smart enough to calculate the best way to use the media coverage of a Veep choice is to do something out of the box: thus a woman veep, BUT NOT HILLARY. And Sebelius is the best way to do that.

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